Monday, December 17, 2007

Quran Saintifik,Meneroka Kecemerlangan Quran Daripada Teropong Sains.

Buku yang sangat baik dibaca bagi memantapkan lagi kepercayaan kita kepada agungnya kitabullah ini.Dr.Danial menjelaskan secara mendalam tentang keagungan Al-Quran Al-Karim.Membuktikan Al-Quran adalah mukjizat Rasulullah yang terbesar...

nak promote plak buku-buku yang bleh menambahkan dan memantapkan iman kita...buku ni bagos la pada pandangan aku...antara buku terbaik pernah aku baca....Dr.Danial menjelaskan secara mendalam pasal keagungan Al-Quran melalui adalah topik-topik dalam buku ni


BAHAGIAN SATU: Cemerlang dengan
Menguasai Dua Ayat
Cara Hidup yang Komprehensif
Sumber Ajaran Islam
Iman adalah Nyawa
Menguasai Dua Ayat
Ayat Di Alam Semesta
Mementingkan Bukti Dan Dalil
Al-Quran Melahirkan Minda Progresif
Sains Berkonsepkan Tauhid
Matlamat Dan Metodologi Sains
Keharmonian Antara Quran Dan Sains
Pentafsiran Quran Menggunakan Sains
Sains Memantapkan Kefahaman Quran
Sains Membawa Kepada Iman

BAHAGIAN DUA: Permulaan Alam Semesta
Permulaan Segala-Galanya
Quran Dan Teori Kejadian Alam
Penciptaan Alam Daripada Asap?
Alam Semesta Mengembang
Penciptaan Alam Dalam 6 Hari?
Arasy Di Atas Air?
Langit Atau Bumi Dicipta Terlebih Dahulu?
Kronologi Kejadian Alam
Kosmos Gelap Ataupun Cerah?
Black Holes Dan Kejadian Bintang-Bintang
Black Holes Tanah Perkuburan Bintang-Bintang?
Bintang Yang Menembus
Bintang-Bintang Dan Nebula Ros
Matahari Dan Akhir Hayatnya
Matahari Pelita Dan Bulan Cahaya
Orbit-Orbit Bumi Dan Objek Di Langit
Zulkarnain Dan Matahari
Matahari Dan Solar Apex
Proses Kejadian Bumi
Bumi Adalah Bulat?
Ruang Antara Langit Dan Bumi
Wujudkah Hidupan Di Kosmos?

BAHAGIAN TIGA: Manusia Dan Asal Usulnya
Hidupan Berasal Daripada Air?
Air Asas Kepada Kejadian Manusia
Manusia Dan Adam
Kejadian Hawa
Teori Evolusi Darwin
Sains Menemui Adam Dan Hawa?
Kejadian Manusia Dan Ilmu Embriologi
Fasa-Fasa Kejadian Bayi
Pendengaran, Penglihatan dan Akal
Kegelapan Yang Tiga
Embriologi Quran Dan Pandangan Saintis
Quran Menciplak Embriologi Yunani?
Benih Terbit Antara Sulbi Dan Taraib?
Sistem Saraf Dan Darah
Roh Ditiupkan Pada 40 Atau 120 Hari?
Penentuan Jantina Mengikut Quran
Asal Wanita Daripada Rusuk Lelaki?
Susu Ibu Mengikut Quran Dan Sains
Penyusuan Dua Tahun – Masih Relevan?

BAHAGIAN EMPAT: Tujuan Dan Matlamat Hidup Manusia
Ibadah Sebagai Tujuan
Hikmat Ibadah
Ibadah Yang Paling Utama
Padah Maksiat
Budaya Seks Bebas
Media Massa Merangsang Seks Bebas
Pengharaman Seks Bebas
Pengharaman Seks Ketika Haid
Ibadah Dalam Aspek Pemakanan
Pengharaman Arak
Kemudaratan Arak
Penyalahgunaan Najis Dadah
Pengharaman Daging Haiwan Liar
Pengharaman Babi
Makanan Yang Halal Lagi Berkhasiat
Khasiat Diet Nabi
Nabi Seorang Vegetarian?
Khasiat Madu Lebah
Khasiat Buah Zaitun
Khasiat Buah Tin
Khasiat Buah Tamar
Buah Tamar Dan Ibu Mengandung
Buah Tamar Dan Tahnik
Khasiat Air Zamzam
Cara Penyembelihan Islam
Penyembelihan Islam Saintifik
Cara Penyembelihan Di Barat
Ibadah Dan Kebersihan
Kebersihan Diri Dan Islam
Kebersihan Yang Diwajibkan
Khatan Dan Sains
Perlukah Khatan Wanita Dilakukan?
Air Kencing Bayi Lelaki Dan Perempuan
Bersuci Menggunakan Tanah
Tanah Sebagai Agen Pencuci
Kerelevanan Mandi Wajib
Kewajipan Berwuduk
Wuduk Dan Sains
Kebersihan Alam Sekitar Dan Islam
Kesan Pencemaran
Solat Dan Khusyuk
Hikmat Solat
Solat Dan Kesihatan
Solat Dan Meditasi
Solat Dan Yoga
Hikmat Menutup Aurat
Aurat Wanita dan Kesihatan
Hikmat Puasa
Puasa Dan Detoksifikasi
Rahsia Bersahur

Sains Menonjolkan Tuhan
Al-Quran Pemangkin Ilmu Sains
Sains Membenarkan Quran
Biodata Penulis

korang bleh cari kat popular ataupun layari
assalamualaikum..........tak reti nak cakap banyak-banyak...baca jela..mesti kagum....hehe...
salam ukhwah

Sunday, December 16, 2007


"[94.5] Oleh itu, maka (tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan,[94.6] (Sekali lagi ditegaskan): bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan."

As-Syarh-ayat 5,6

assamualaikum...tiap-tiap kesusahan itu disertai dengan kemudahan...inilah janji Allah S.W.T kepada hamba-hamba yang di kasihinya.Bagi saya,ayat ini merupakan antara ayat-ayat perangsang,ayat motivasi kepada umat-umat Islam.Subhanallah,Begitu cantiknya Islam.

ayat ni membuktikan Allah tidak sekalli-kali pernah melupakan hamba-Nya.Walaupun hari kita lihat umat Islam diberikan ujian yang besar oleh Allah.Namun,kita tak seharusnya mengeluh kerana sudah dijanjikan oleh Allah S.W.T akan kesenangan di sebalik kesukaran itu.

Sabar...Sebahagian dari iman..

Prophet Muhammad (s) and the Qur'an

If one assumes that the Qur'an is the product of a man's mind, then one would expect it to reflect some of what was going on in the mind of the man who "composed" it. In fact, certain encyclopedias and various books claim that the Qur'an was the product of hallucinations that Muhammad underwent. If these claims are true - if it indeed originated from some psychological problems in Muhammad's mind - then evidence of this would be apparent in the Qur'an. Is there such evidence? In order to determine whether or not there is, one must first identify what things would have been going on in his mind at that time and then search for these thoughts and reflections in the Qur'an.

It is common knowledge that Muhammad (s) had a very difficult life. All of his daughters died before him except one, and he had a wife of several years who was very dear and important to him, who not only proceeded him in death but died at a very critical period of his life.

As a matter of fact, she must have been quite a woman because when the first revelation came to him,he ran home to her, afraid. Certainly, even today one would have a hard time trying to find an Arab who would tell you, "I was so afraid that I ran home to my wife." They just aren't that way. Yet Muhammad (s) felt comfortable enough with his wife to be able to do that. That's how influential and strong woman she was. Although these examples are only a few of the subjects that would have been on Muhammad's mind, they are sufficient in intensity to prove my point.

The Qur'an does not mention any of these things - not the death of his children, not the death of his beloved companion and wife, not his fear of the initial revelations, which he so beautifully shared with his wife - nothing; yet these topics must have hurt him, bothered him, and caused him pain and grief during periods of his life. Indeed, if the Qur'an was a product of his psychological reflections, then these subjects, as well as others, would be prevalent or at least mentioned throughout.

Scientific Approach to the Qur'an

A truly scientific approach to the Qur'an is possible because the Qur'an offers something that is not offered by other religious scriptures, in particular, and other religions, in general. It is what scientists demand. Today there are many people who have ideas and theories about how the universe works. These people are all over the place, but the scientific community does not even bother to listen to them. This is because within the last century the scientific community has demanded a test of falsification. They say, "If you have theory, do not bother us with it unless you bring with that theory a way for us to prove whether you are wrong or not."

Such a test was exactly why the scientific community listened to Einstein towards the beginning of the century. He came with a new theory and said, "I believe the universe works like this; and here are three ways to prove whether I am wrong!" So the scientific community subjected his theory to the tests, and within six years it passed all three. Of course, this does not prove that he was great, but it proves that he deserved to be listened to because he said, "This is my idea; and if you want to try to prove me wrong, do this or try that."

This is exactly what the Qur'an has - falsification tests. Some are old (in that they have already been proven true), and some still exist today. Basically it states, "If this book is not what it claims to be, then all you have to do is this or this or this to prove that it is false." Of course, in 1400 years no one has been able to do "This or this or this," and thus it is still considered true and authentic.